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Photo of Professionals at Ezell Law Firm, LLC
More Than 40 Years Of Legal Service To The Baton Rouge Region

3 qualities an executor of an estate needs

On Behalf of | Mar 29, 2024 | Estate Planning |

Baton Rouge Legal Blog

Designating someone to execute your estate when you die is one of the things a comprehensive estate plan should achieve. The position carries a lot of responsibility, and making a poor choice now could cause problems for your loved ones later.

Here are a few qualities to look for when considering who to name:


You need someone who will work through things in order and avoid wasting time or losing time to careless mistakes. You can’t expect someone to dedicate themselves exclusively to executing your estate, but they do need to get on with it so that your assets can reach the hands of your beneficiaries without undue delay.

Time to do it

Some people are incredibly busy all the time. That can make it difficult for them to take on additional roles, such as acting as executor of an estate. Others have a more relaxed schedule and could more easily fit things in.


While a probate court will exercise oversight on most estates, it is still crucial to name someone you can trust as an executor. You won’t be around to check on them when they assume the role. If you have doubts about someone’s integrity, it is best to skip over them and find someone you are sure will do things properly without being tempted to try and help themselves to some of your assets in the process.

Learning more about this and other aspects of estate planning can help you plan for the future.

