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Photo of Professionals at Ezell Law Firm, LLC
More Than 40 Years Of Legal Service To The Baton Rouge Region

Startups and debts

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2018 | Business Law |

Louisiana residents who start their own businesses may accumulate some debt. They may have some equity that can be applied to the business, but it is not uncommon for individuals to fund a startup with a credit card, multiple investors or a loan. For many startups, there may not be a profit for at least three to five years, which means there will be debt to handle until the business begins to turn a profit. However, there are some steps entrepreneurs can take to manage the business-related debt they may accumulate.

One important step a person should take when tackling debt is to have realistic expectations. There is a wide range of concerns new business owners will have to address, including obtaining new clients, establishing their shop, handling investors and the actual work that comes with starting a business. Being preoccupied with debt will take their focus away from their business and be an impediment to being successful.

New business owners should make efforts to use their financial resources strategically. This should be done while making sure that their business is fulfilling a market need.

Another step entrepreneurs can take to handle their business debt efficiently is to establish a budget. However, they should keep in mind that a startup budget requires more than just determining how money should be spent. Considerable focus should be given to how setting up and continuous costs will be controlled. Entrepreneurs should be as precise as possible, conducting research to make sure that they have not undervalued any costs.

An attorney who practices business law may advise entrepreneurs who want to start a new business about which steps to take to establish the correct legal entity under which to operate. A lawyer may assist with verifying which licenses will be necessary in order to be in compliance with local laws.

