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Photo of Professionals at Ezell Law Firm, LLC
More Than 40 Years Of Legal Service To The Baton Rouge Region

Estate planning when a person has an animal

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2019 | Estate Planning |

Many people in Louisiana and throughout the country have pets, and it is possible to care for them after the owners have passed on. Money and other assets can be left behind for cats, dogs and other animals as part of an estate plan. While this can be done through a will, it may be best to do so with a trust.


The reason why it may be best to care for a pet with a trust is that its terms take effect as soon as the owner dies. Therefore, it is possible to provide food, water and other essentials to a pet right away. Otherwise, the animal could be stuck at home without the attention it needs. In some cases, animals could be placed into shelters where they could at risk of being put down.

A trust can provide some guidance as to where the animal should go if it is to be put up for adoption. For instance, a trust could indicate that the animal be placed with a family that has no kids or no other animals. This can further ensure that its needs are met after its current owner is no longer able to care for it.

The goal of the estate planning process is to account for as many scenarios as possible. If a person owns an animal, it is important to ensure that it will have the resources needed to live a happy life. By including money or other assets in an estate plan for the animal, there is a greater chance that this will be achieved. An attorney may help put together an estate plan that provides pet care.

