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Photo of Professionals at Ezell Law Firm, LLC
More Than 40 Years Of Legal Service To The Baton Rouge Region

Preparing to draft a living will

On Behalf of | Nov 28, 2022 | Estate Planning |

Most individuals may have preferences about the type of care they would receive should they become capable of making similar decisions on their own. However, even if one’s health could change at any moment, there may be many individuals in Louisiana who have yet to put a strategy in place for the possibility of a similar outcome. Taking time to explore what a living will might have to offer and seeking insight into preparing to implement similar measures could help a person prepare to approach life with peace of mind for whatever the future may hold. 

What a living will might offer 

One of the first things to note is that a living will is not the same as a last will and testament. A living will is a document that includes information on the type of care a person wishes to receive in the event of serious injury or incapacitation. If a person becomes incapable of making decisions about health care, medical professionals can refer to this document for instructions on the type of care to provide. A living will could also help provide loved ones with insight into one’s preferences for care and help shift the burden of making such decisions off their shoulders. 

Those who wish to draft a living will benefit from taking several steps to prepare for the process. For example, speaking with health care professionals about treatment paths could help individuals evaluate their available options and create a plan that aligns with their wishes. One may also have the option to name another party as a representative and provide this party with the ability to make decisions on one’s behalf should the need arise. 

Navigating the process 

While knowing what a living will might have to offer can be beneficial in various ways, knowing how best to draft such a document may be another matter entirely. Fortunately, there are attorneys who can address a person’s wishes and concerns and provide insight into all his or her available options. An attorney can help a client in Louisiana understand every vital topic to consider and assist in drafting a living will that meets his or her preferences and needs. 

