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Photo of Professionals at Ezell Law Firm, LLC
More Than 40 Years Of Legal Service To The Baton Rouge Region

Must you leave an inheritance to an abusive child?

On Behalf of | Oct 23, 2024 | Estate Planning |

Louisiana has some of the most complex inheritance laws in the United States. That has to do mainly with the competing European interests of France and Spain when the state was just a territory.

But it remains the only state wherein there is forced heirship. However, there are exceptions to this rule of which Louisiana parents should be aware.

Abusive adult children may be excluded as heirs

One of the legal reasons parents can disinherit their children is if the adult child raised their hand to strike their parent or actually struck their parent. However, merely threatening to do so is insufficient for purposes of disinheritance.

Of course, no child should ever raise a hand to strike their parent. But if they do, it may bring abused parents some small measure of comfort to realize that their bullying children will not see a penny of inheritance due to their actions.

Other reasons for disinheritance

Many people are surprised to learn that they can be disinherited simply for not contacting their parent within the past two years, as long as the adult child knew where their parent was and was not otherwise engaged in fighting for their country. That clause alone might make some adults reach out and call their parents

Because the above examples are not the sole reasons for disinheriting adult children here in Louisiana, it is always prudent to learn more about your legal options regarding forced heirship. Having this knowledge is vital to making the right decision for you in this situation.

