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Photo of Professionals at Ezell Law Firm, LLC
More Than 40 Years Of Legal Service To The Baton Rouge Region

Topics to cover concerning business partnership agreements

On Behalf of | Aug 8, 2021 | Business Law |

Baton Rouge Legal Blog

While there may be many entrepreneurs in Louisiana and elsewhere who choose to operate a company on their own, some may wish to share responsibilities through a partnership agreement. While such an arrangement could carry various potential benefits, there may still be certain risks involved. Addressing the necessary topics prior to developing a partnership contract could prove integral to mitigating risks and protecting the interests of all parties involved. 

Partnership topics 

Experts indicate that there may be various topics to address concerning business partnerships, one of which could involve creating a strategy for the unexpected. Since it can be difficult to predict how things will turn out, creating contingency plans for the possibility of change could prove essential. As each business partner may take on a different role, setting clear terms as to the responsibilities and liabilities of each party could also be integral to promoting a positive atmosphere. 

According to experts, it could also be helpful to address certain financial topics, such as the valuation of business assets and of partner shares. Another topic to cover could pertain to discussing the available options for protection such as insurance policies and strategies on how to handle certain changes in life circumstances, such as a scenario in which one partner is facing the end of a marriage. Prospective business partners may also find it helpful to discuss their goals and wishes for the agreement, as this could be an essential step toward creating a strong foundation for the arrangement. 

Protecting one’s interests 

Individuals who are weighing the possibility of entering a business partnership but remain uncertain of how best to protect their interests in the process could find it helpful to seek guidance early on. When facing a similar situation, a person in Louisiana could benefit from consulting with an experienced attorney for guidance in addressing every vital aspect of a similar endeavor. An attorney can help address all a client’s questions and concerns and assist in creating a strategy to safeguard the future of his or her business interests. 

